Guia Caribe

Easter in the islands | Did you even know

Photo by Wideonet/

Our trivia column tests your knowledge of Caribbean Easter traditions. See how many of our questions you can answer correctly

You think you’re an expert on Caribbean culture? Test your knowledge in our trivia quiz, and see how much you know about Easter traditions — and seasonal delicacies — across the region. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

1. What is the traditional accompaniment for Jamaica’s popular Easter bun?

Guava jam
A slice of ham

2. In Guyana’s border town Lethem, in the Rupununi Savannah, what annual sporting event is scheduled for Easter weekend?

A boat race
A track and field tournament
A rodeo
A hot-air balloon rally

3. What common leisure activity do many Caribbean people avoid on Good Friday, following a long-held superstition?

Drinking alcohol
A family meal
Playing cards
Going to the beach

4. Tobago’s Easter traditions include racing which of these creatures?


5. What is the key ingredient of matoutou, the spicy stew enjoyed on Easter weekend in Martinique?


6. On Good Friday, some Trinidadians keep up the custom of beating a bobolee — an effigy representing which historical figure?

Pontius Pilate
Judas Iscariot
Julius Caesar
Napoleon Bonaparte

7. Easter weekend brings a highly popular fish festival to which coastal community in Barbados?


8. What traditional toy have generations of Caribbean children made at Eastertime?

A puppet
A spinning top
A boat
A kite

9. What exactly is penepis, the sweet treat St Lucians enjoy for Easter?

A kind of custard
A ginger-flavoured biscuit
Coconut bread
A pineapple tart

10. A traditional Barbadian Good Friday fortune-telling technique involves which of these?

Chicken feathers
Tea leaves
The bark of a tree


1 Cheese — from a tin
2 A rodeo
3 Going to the beach — swimming on Good Friday is reputed to turn you into a fish
4 Goats
5 Crab
6 Pontius Pilate
7 Oistins
8 A kite
9 A ginger-flavoured biscuit — penepis is the Kwéyòl version of French pain d’épices
10 The bark of  a tree

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